Dave Perry
2014-09-03 14:01:25 UTC
I'm trying to update the SP under Server 2008 with the one that was released in June. I've run it on another server, and it let me.
Trying it just now on a similarly setup server, I get the following error:
"Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel"
This is the same .msi as I used on the other server without a hitch. Why am I getting this error?
Dave Perry
eLearning Technologist, Hull College Group
Room L34 - Queens Gardens Library
Wilberforce Drive, Queen's Gardens, Hull, HU1 3DG
Extension 2230 / Direct Dial 01482 381930
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Trying it just now on a similarly setup server, I get the following error:
"Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel"
This is the same .msi as I used on the other server without a hitch. Why am I getting this error?
Dave Perry
eLearning Technologist, Hull College Group
Room L34 - Queens Gardens Library
Wilberforce Drive, Queen's Gardens, Hull, HU1 3DG
Extension 2230 / Direct Dial 01482 381930
* Need a fast reply? Try elearning-NOSDTyrR4+***@public.gmane.org<mailto:***@hull-college.ac.uk> *
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